The model was sprayed with acid, but it became even more beautiful after the operations

The 21-year-old student Resham Khan has always been stared at by men. Therefore, in addition to studying at the Academy of Arts, the girl sometimes worked as a model. And as the police later suggested, such a terrible revenge could be arranged for the Indian woman by a rejected admirer. On his birthday, Resham Khan and his cousin Jamil Muktar were driving to a restaurant when a man ran up to their car at the intersection and splashed sulfuric acid on the girl’s face. And the world has faded. For the first month, Resham could not see and experienced hellish pain from touching her face. No less painfully, the girl perceived the fact that she had lost her beauty forever. Doctors have diagnosed that the scars on the girl’s face will be very difficult to shine and, apparently, she will have to come to terms with the fact that her appearance will never be the same, according to Telegraph.

Back in July, Resham shared with her followers that she was scared to go out and even to the nearest store.


«It’s too scary to look at the world. I am too afraid of the looks of people who will pay attention to me. My life has stopped — frozen in fear,” she wrote in her account.
However, four months have passed, and thanks to the efforts of doctors and several plastic surgeries, Resha’s face was restored. Moreover, in the opinion of her friends, she even became more beautiful than she was before.

The other day, she shared a photo of her “new” face with her Instagram followers. «You’ve all seen me at my worst so let me show you when I look good,» the girl addressed her followers. It should be noted that friends helped the injured beauty a lot. They organized a charity fundraiser online and in a very short time raised £9,000 (about 4.4 million rubles) for the girl. With this money, Resham underwent several plastic surgeries.

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