She became a beautiful girl
we will talk with you about the daughter of Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise — Suri, in April the girl turned 16 years old.

It seems that quite recently the famous actor held the baby in his arms, and today it is already a young long-legged beauty.

Many predict a successful modeling future for the girl because she can often be seen in stylish looks, complemented by original accessories and light makeup.

Users note that Suri is very similar to her mother, and it’s not only about external data, the girl inherited her demeanor and charm from her. Even in fleeting photos of the paparazzi, it is clear that there is a complete understanding between them.

It is known that Suri is a very calm and problem-free child, she has an easygoing character. We hope that adolescence will not affect him much.

Tom Cruise practically does not take part in the upbringing of his daughter, after his divorce from Katie Holmes, they saw each other only once, in 2015 the girl was visiting her father’s residence in an elite area of London, where her nanny came with her.